Agenta Aurora Tourism Software
Sell Your Tours Easily with Agenta Tourism Web Software. Provide Great Convenience to Both Your Customers and Your Agency.

Tourism Agency Website That Keeps Your Tours and Customer Accounts and Allows You to Sell with Detailed Tour Management at the Same Time
You can list all the features of your tours on your site via the easy and multi-functional management panel.
You can easily sell your tours to the number of people you want by receiving payment via the virtual POS in the system.
You can create detailed campaigns for your tours. You can import and export your tour list and customer list with Excel.
You can easily manage your online reservations with Aurora tour software.
Your virtual POS preferences can be made through any secure payment channel you choose, such as common payment systems Paytr, Iyzico, Payu, HepsiPay, Ipara.
The management panel offered to tour agencies is capable of easily entering all comprehensive details and displaying available tours. Users can easily create tours and categories.
Your customers are kept in the current system and all their details are registered in the system. You can transfer all your customers' information to Excel and easily create invoices. You can list customer accounts and information in your system.
Payments you receive for your tours will be in your account the next day. You can also determine the number of sales by entering the maximum number of people in the system. It is very easy to manage your reservations with detailed order management.
Start receiving online reservations from the tour reservation system, where you can publish all your tours, enter tour details, number of people, departure and departure places, and publish route and destination points and gallery types.
Your customers can easily book the tours you display by simply filling in the required information.
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